The International Center for Atresia Microtia Repair

World Leaders in
Atresia Microtia Treatment

Over 4000 Atresia and Microtia
Surgeries Performed to Date

Board Certified Neurotologist
with Over 30 Years of
Treating Patients with
Congenital Aural Atresia
The International Center for Atresia Microtia Repair
at the
California Ear Institute
The International Center for Atresia & Microtia Repair is the leading global facility for the treatment of congenital aural atresia and microtia. Dr. Joseph Roberson, a Board Certified Neurotologist with over 30 years of experience treating patients with this condition, has performed over 4,000 congenital aural atresia repair surgeries and thousands of hearing restoration procedures of other types for children and adults. We perform hearing restoration surgery as early as 3 years of age and have operated on patients from 75 countries. In cooperation with our in-house microtia surgeons or surgeons from outside institutions, we work to maximize hearing during the crucial language and brain development period occurring between 3-5 years of age. Our congenital aural atresia repair techniques are compatible with all forms of outer ear reconstruction -porous polyethylene implants (Medpor ™, Su-por ™, Omnipore ™), rib graft, and external prosthetics. Surgery candidacy evaluation & personal video consultations are available for no charge for patients seeking treatment, along with pre-recorded educational presentations in multiple languages to assist patients in determining the best option for providing hearing.
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Exciting news! Introducing the Roberson CAMP - a new and improved 3D Combined Atresia Microtia Prosthesis!
More Information Here
Atresia Treatment
Start here for Atresia Repair Options and Treatments. At CEI, we count it an honor and a privilege when you choose our facility for the treatment of your child or family member. We intend to remain available to you throughout the process.
Start Your Complimentary Evaluation
Each patient requires an individualized treatment plan. Our team will initiate and process your request via the links below.
Dr. Joseph Roberson
Atresia Repair Surgeon
Dr. Roberson is an internationally renowned specialist in Otology, Neurotology, and Skull Base Surgery. He is Board Certified in Otolaryngology and Neurotology. He is the CEO and owner of the California Ear Institute.
What Sets Us Apart?
Why would people travel from around the world to CEI for Atresia Microtia surgery?
Atresia Microtia & Your Child - Book
Atresia Microtia and Your Child: How to Overcome the Hearing Impairment and Cosmetic Deformity Caused by Congenital Aural Atresia and Microtia (by Joseph B. Roberson, Jr., M.D. and Haley M. Roberson, PA-C)
Before and After
Coming Soon!
Gallery of before and after images from our patients.
One Ear Hearing Is a Disability
One Ear Hearing is a Disability
Learn MoreLetter from Dr. Roberson
Outer ear reconstruction and ear canal complications -
How to Prepare For Surgery and After Surgery Care
How to Prepare for Surgery
Coming Soon
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